Alumni Data Collection Form Alumni Data Collection - 2021 Online Application Form for Alumni Data Collection "*" indicates required fields Registration IDTerms of Service*I solemnly affirm that: The informations given in this Application form are true to the best of my knowledge & belief and if found incorrect, I shall be responsible for the same. I agree to the Terms of Service Student’s Name (As per 10th Marksheet)* Full Name Gender: (M/F/TransGender)* Male Female TransGender MOBILE NUMBER*Enter Mobile Number with out prefixing zeroEMAIL ID* Program/ Course of study (as mentioned in final year mark sheets/Grade Cards)Enrollment No.* Please do not prefix "SRHU" at the start, if your Enrollment Number is SRHU38383838, Please enter "38383838" only .Registration No.* Please do not prefix "DD" at the start, if your Enrollment Number is DD38383838, Please enter "38383838" only .Select Academic Unit*Select Academic UnitHIMSHCNHSSTHSMSPh.DSelect Programme / Specialization*Select Programme / Specialization– Fill Out Other Fields –Select Programme / Specialization*Select Programme / Specialization– Fill Out Other Fields –Select Programme / Specialization*Select Programme / Specialization– Fill Out Other Fields –Select Programme / Specialization*Select Programme / Specialization– Fill Out Other Fields –Select Programme / Specialization*Select Programme / Specialization– Fill Out Other Fields –Passing Year*Select Year of Passing2016-172017-182018-192019-202020-212021-22 Qualified Examination DetailA.1- After completing your studies at SRHU, did you appear in any competition/entrance exam for higher degree?*NETSLETGATEGMATGPATCATGRETOEFLPLABUSMLEAYUSHCivil ServicesDefenseUPSCState Government ExaminationsPG-NEETAIIMSPGETJIPMER Entrance TestPGIMER Entrance TestOthersNot ApplicableIf Other, Mention Your Exam Information* If Qualified, Provide Roll No. of Exam* Attach passing certificate/document e.g. like score card*Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 1 MB.A.2- Did you appear in any competitive exam after your studies at SRHU for employment purpose?*UPSCDefenceAny OthersNot ApplicableIf Other, Mention Your Exam Information* If Qualified, Provide Roll No. of Exam* Attach passing certificate/document e.g. like score card*Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 1 MB.Employment DetailsB. Nature of Employment*Select nature of employmentEmployed in an OrganizationSelf EmployedStudyingAny Other1: Mention Employer DetailName of EmployerContact DetailEmail IDAttach relevant document(like ID Card)Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 1 MB.2: Mention Self Employment DetailSelf Employment detailContact detailAttach document like registration no. of firm or any other detailsAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 1 MB.Progression to Higher EducationC: If progression to higher education.Name of Institution joinedName of programme admitted to*Applicable only for 2019-20 pass out students. Attach document like admission letter/program Id card/any other supporting document.Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 1 MB. PREVIEW Please check your filled details and for any error click previous to correct it. {all_fields}CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ